Monday, November 10, 2008

Team Trivia Spotlight: Atlanta Hawks

It may have been caused by the Ted Turner feature on 60 Minutes last night, but for some reason,'s Grand Poobah had the Atlanta Hawks on his brain this morning. So today's post is dedicated to Teddy's old team.

Here's the trivia you need to know to be the MVP at the water cooler:

* The Hawks won their fifth consecutive game yesterday, marking the fourth time in franchise history that they won their first five games.

* On this date in 1969, Hawks legend Lou Hudson scored a then team-record 57 points vs. Chicago at Auburn, Alabama.

* Hudson's scoring feat stood for almost 16 years before the "Human Highlight Film," Dominique Wilkins, equaled it on 4/10/86 and again on 12/10/86.

! Question: Who was the last Hawks player to score 50-plus points in a game? Hint: He played college ball at Cal. Click here for the answer.

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